
Trading Rush Live Trade Setups Profit Graph Data All

All Live Trade Setups Can Be Found On the Official Trading Rush Patreon | Discord Server: https://www.patreon.com/tradingrush/collections


I shared Live Trade Setups with Patreon supporters for multiple years and this is the profit data!
Since most of my trading is based on proven testing data, the live setups also made profits in the long run.
My personal account also had the highest profit of my trading journey during this time.
But what are these spikes? What are the pullbacks? And what do the different charts mean?
I will explain everything in this video right from the start.
It all started around October of 2021 when I created the Official Trading Rush Discord Server for Patreon supporters.
Since I had mainly made videos using forex pairs, most of the audience were forex traders.
So I started sharing live setups for forex on timeframes between 30 minutes and 1 day.
Every trade setup came with a set of entry rules.
These rules are based on data and my around 8 years of trading experience.
If the setup didn’t fit the entry rules, there was no trade.
The market in 2021 was excellent for technical strategies.
The live trade setups profit graph went strongly in the upward direction.
In the first batch of around 100 trades, it got a high win rate of 56% with a reward-risk ratio ranging from 1.5 to 1 and 1 to 1.
The live setup data was just like the testing data.
Then I shared the “How I Made 100% Profit in a Year” series and started sharing live stock market setups.
But the stock market decided it was time for its midlife crisis!
In previous years, US inflation had risen to a high point.
So in early 2022, the Federal Reserve decided it was time to control it.
The US started raising interest rates at a record rate.
The biggest rate hike in decades to fight the worst inflation outbreak in 40 years.
It caused the stock market to crash.
High interest rates make the country’s currency move up.
So the USD started to make strong moves in the upward direction.
Since many other countries also had a high inflation problem, they also started to raise their interest rates.
This caused chaos in the forex market.
Their stock markets also started to make strong downward moves.
Even Bitcoin crashed.
Now, here’s the thing.
I’m not a fundamental trader.
I have mainly traded using technicals for more than 10,000 hours in the live market.
But I suck at fundamentals.
So when the price started making these strong fundamental moves, I was a sitting duck still trading technicals.
The technicals went out the window in these strong fundamental moves.
The price started breaking support and resistance areas that had been strong for more than a decade.
Similar to how the stock market was giving a pullback, the live setups profit graph also started to give a pullback.
For around the last 8 years, I have been using my profit graph to detect if the market has changed.
If the profit graph starts giving a pullback bigger than the data says is normal, I start figuring out what’s changed.
After figuring out that these high interest rate news events were making technicals weak, I adapted my trading approach.
I started using a lower reward-risk ratio instead of aiming for bigger profits.
I shifted my focus from technicals to more fundamentals.
I was tracking almost every inflation and interest rate-related news event and even shared my views on Discord.
When the US stock market index was down around 30% and when my fundamental view of the market was shifting more toward the upside, I adapted to the market and aggressively started buying the stock market dip.
When you watch the psychology episode of the Trading Rush Foundation series, you’ll see that this setup I was buying was the best-case scenario for my trading psychology or trading style.
These stock market setups were so good that I even bought the dip with leverage.
I mean, I didn’t buy that aggressively during the 2020 market crash.
So during the 2022 crash, I didn’t hold back and bought multiple things aggressively.
I bought S-O-X-L, Nasdaq 100, I-W-M and more.
I also shared setups for U-K-X, Nifty50, NI-2-2-5 index, and more.
Since the setups had a higher probability of making money, they did make good money when the market recovered.
I was able to make 100% profit on the S-O-X-L invested amount.
In hindsight, I could have made more on that if I had held the position for a few more days, but then I remembered, hindsight is a stupid bench.
Some other positions made around 30% profit on the account.
It caused this massive spike in the profit graph.
On my personal profit graph, this was the highest profit I had booked in my trading journey.
I had bought I-W-M shares, and when I booked good profits on S-O-X-L and other positions, I bought even more I-W-M shares.
That’s because IWM was still giving a high probability opportunity and fit with my trading psychology or style.
I used the remaining profits and position size of S-O-X-L and other things I recently closed to take normal short-term trades.
That’s this upward-moving profit graph.
Then the I-W-M position reached its profit target.
Since S-O-X-L profit and other profits were also used to buy more I-W-M, the compounded final profit caused another spike on the profit graph.
This chart shows every single live trade setup I have shared with Patreon supporters over the years that fit the entry rules and with a 2% risk.
If I specifically mentioned another risk percentage, then that percentage was used.
These charts show the long-term and short-term trades separately.
Different types of long-term positions, such as safer investing and aggressive high-risk long-term positions, are on separate charts.
Short-term positions show the profit graph with 2% risk and 1% risk separately.
If I specifically mentioned a risk percentage, then that percentage is used.
Since Patreon supporters are from all around the world, I also share setups for foreign indices or stocks so everyone can learn.
Sometimes I also share different types of trades for the same stock or forex pair.
To analyze the performance of one account or trade type, these charts use averages of similar international positions and similar trade types.
For example, I share S-P-X and S-P-Y setups. But they both are for the same S-and-P500 index. You are probably only going to take one. So, I count them as one S-and-P500 Trade here.
Basically, use this chart to see the profit graph of everything I have shared.
It shows short-term and long-term and everything on the same chart in order.
Use these charts to see profit graphs of short-term and long-term trades separately.
It also shows compounding and non-compounding profit separately for better analysis.
Previously, it was mixed.
I’m using the turtle compounding method as mentioned in the Trading Rush entry rules.
That’s because it’s the best according to the data I found in this video.
This compounding method was used in the turtle experiment in the 1980s where two commodity traders taught a group of random people how to trade successfully.
Some of these random people ended up making millions.
I got a whole video on that story.
But the main reason I’m using this compounding rule is that it actually performed the best in my testing.
It made the highest profit out of the rest and reduced the probability of blowing up the account by a huge amount.
Since I found that this turtle compounding method is the best around the start of 2022, that’s when I used it in these charts as well.
For the data before 2022, I used my old method where I compounded after every 30% profit gain.
So, from the start till now, the live trade setups I have shared got a win rate of approximately 67.83% with reward-risk ratios mostly ranging between 2 to 1 and 0.25 to 1.
Different types of trades had different reward-risk ratios.
There are around 398 trades in total, both short and long-term.
Then, if we go to short-term trades only and combine international and similar type trades, then the short-term trades had a win rate of 57.25% with reward-risk ratios mostly ranging between 2 to 1 and 0.25 to 1.
There are around 248 short-term trades in total.
With a 2% risk per trade, the profit made was around 80% and 70% with compounding and non-compounding respectively.
With a low risk of just 1% per trade, the profit graph went up pretty well and made around 50% profit for both compounding and non-compounding.
Then, if we go to long-term trades, every single one of them had a 100% win rate because they were buy-hold positions.
The high-risk account that had high-risk positions such as S-O-X-L, made around 55.35% profit.
The account with Nasdaq-100 and other relatively normal risk positions made around 52.07% profit.
The S&P500, Nifty50, Nikkei 225, UKX, and similar investing-style positions made around 40% profit on average.
Since I started sharing live trade setups, the S&P500 is only up around 25% as of writing this.
So I feel like the setups I shared did pretty well.
Every single trade I have shared can be found on the Official Trading Rush Discord server.
The testing data and live setup data are very similar.
This is why I like to trade with data.
I have now shared live setups in multiple kinds of markets, from good to bad, and even market crashes.
But remember, even though the live setups made profits, past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Markets can change and we will have to adapt!
I think there is enough live market data that says the way I trade works pretty well.
When the short-term or long-term will cross 100% profit, I think I’m going to stop sharing live trade setups.
I don’t see a point in sharing them when there is enough proof of working.
I would like to use that time for other projects.
Take advantage of the Live Trade Setups and learn from them while they exist.
And remember, it’s better to use data to make decisions.
Because data is what helped me the most in my around 8 years of trading journey.
That’s all!

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